Life and a Latte

First Reads of 2024

This year, my goal is to read 50 books by the end of 2024. So far I’m on track! 

I’ve always been a reader, but a slow one. Throughout college, it was hard to read anything but textbooks. It would take me all semester to read one “for fun” book! Now my approach is more structured. Right now I read non-fiction during the day and fiction before bed. I’ve realized that non-fiction makes my brain overthink everything I’m learning and I can’t shut it off when I’m trying to sleep. Fiction gets my brain into la la land and I doze off so quickly!

Throughout the day I read during all of my work breaks, a total of 1 hour. I’m more deliberate in my choice of books by choosing topics I’m in need of improving. Usually, this falls under science, nutrition, personal development, finance, and relationships. I’m still finding my rhythm; I can’t decide if it’s better to focus on one topic and only read under that umbrella for a few books then switch to a different topic of focus for the next few, or rotate through each topic one at a time, ie. read a parenting book, then a science book, then a mental health book, etc. I’ll report back when I figure it out!

For now, here is a breakdown of my first reads of 2024. Have you read any of these? Shoot me a message and let me know your thoughts!


This book sparked my science brain like no other. Dr. Sinclair is a leading scientist at Harvard Medical School who studies the science of aging. His research is focused on the sirtuin genes, key players in gene regulation. He shows that aging isn’t just a product of DNA damage but instead a dysregulation of gene expression. He has shown age reversal in mouse studies and strongly believes age reversal is possible in humans. Such an exciting read!

I love Jay Shetty, but I definitely liked “Think Like a Monk” more than this one. Not to say it wasn’t worth the read, it just wasn’t what I expected. Jay made this very broad, as it applies to anyone – single, dating, or married. I expected insightful advice for relationships but instead much of it was irrelevant. I did love his overall message about love, and suggest this if you are single!

I picked this book up years ago and didn’t get through it. Now that I’m in a reading rhythm it was somewhat easier to get through. I say somewhat because it is still a tough read. Dr. Van Der Kolk is a psychiatrist that specializes in trauma and how it translates physically to the brain and body. The stories he tells are HEAVY and the psychiatry background is dense. I would highly suggest for any psychology professional or anyone that has gone through major trauma.

I wish I read this book before college! I would have probably retained more information and received better grades had I slept more. Dr. Walker beautifully describes the intricacies of sleep – from a deep dive into the sleep phases to dreams, health, and what happens if we don’t sleep enough. The knowledge he provides left me in awe of the human brain and has made me value sleep more than ever. A must read!

I’ve only read 4ish books on finance, but this one is BY FAR the most relevant, applicable, and straightforward book about personal finance that I’ve come across yet. I believe Ramit speaks to all audiences, but this is especially useful for the average human who just wants to do better with their money and eventually grow it. 

As a science nerd, I really want to stretch my creative brain more. This book was a fast read considering it’s a thick one! As expected from a creative, Rick Rubin’s writing is very poetic. I now feel more in tune with my creative side and see everything I do as an art. Science, blogging, teaching, and even work tasks can be transformed into an artistic endeavor with the right perspective. 

If I could make everyone I love read just ONE book, this would be it. Dr. Attia does a phenomenal job breaking down all aspects of health and longevity in a way that anyone can understand and even enjoy reading. He educates the reader on the major causes of death, what markers of health we should be paying attention to, and how nutrition and exercise (especially exercise) extend your lifespan and healthspan. A must read!!

Again, my science brain needs a break from learning and a dose of creativity. Reading fiction at night is my favorite habit! Honestly, this isn’t my favorite series BUT it’s just good enough to keep me hooked. Maas does a great job of upping the excitement when you need it most. The romance scenes are SPICY and there is no shortage of action. My only critique is that the world building is simplistic and repetitive. The characters need more depth. Still, a good series if you’re looking for entertainment!

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